Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's all way too fast!!

So last weekend my mom, my sister-in-law Tanya, me and Mavrik all decided to go visit my grandma in Utah. We had a great time but Mavrik was a little fussy! He had a real stuffy nose so I just assumed he had a cold. Well then on wednesday I went over to Chrissy's house and she was holding Mavrik and saw that he has some teeth coming in!! WHAT?!?!? My baby is only 2 1/2 months old and he is already getting teeth. It's crazy! He still is being a really good baby but I can tell he is in pain. I HATE IT!!! I wish there was something I could do for the little guy besides drug him up! The worst part is this is only the beginning. He has still been sleeping through the night so I just hope that continues! He slept in his own room like a big boy for the first time yesterday! Me and Jordan just layed in bed watching him on the monitor for a little while until he fell asleep! I just love that little guy!!


Amy said...

I can't believe that he has teeth already!!!!!!!!!!!! That is nuts! My kids sleep wasn't ever really affected by teething - maybe Mavrik's won't either!

The Fleming Family said...

I just found your blog. I thought I would let you know about "Teething Tablets". They can be hard to find sometimes, but they are sold at walmart in the baby section. They are in a little white tube. They melt away in the baby's mouth. They arent medicine and they work wonders!!! I dont know how they work. I just know that as soon as any baby I've given them to gets a few on their gums they quit crying instantly! Good luck! (And the cake was beautiful! You did a great job!)

DrTodd said...

Ivy got a tooth at 3 months and it actually went back in at 5 was odd. I was also going to let u know about teething tablets they are from Hyland’s I find them at like whole foods of sunflower market (=